
The Madrid Forum denounced the Grupo de Puebla for angering the victims of Evo Morales

The Madrid Forum denounced the Grupo de Puebla for angering the victims of Evo Morales

The alliance of political parties and other organizations from Hispanic America and Spain, Forum of Madridit is expressed about the accusations that contradict the President Bolivia, Evo Moralesfor sexual harassment in recent years. In your communication you warn about del's complicity Grupo de Puebla, Agrupación que aglutina a las tellas de izquierdas en la region.

Due to a discord on social media, the Madrid forum insisted that the first hour was not a criminal attack against Morales.

“In 2020, Deputy Minister of Transparency Guido Melgar confirmed that Evo Morales became the father of a child in 2016, when his mother was 16 years old. “La Menor Existe La Madre Existe y La Menor Tiene Como Padre Registrado Juan Evo Morales Ayma”. These data were confirmed and communicated in a communication by the Servicio de Registro Civil and the Servicio General de Identificación Personal.

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Escándalo y complicidad

At that moment, the Forum Madrid accused the “double morality” of the Grupo de Puebla. “When your Miembros are automatically relieved and relieved.

“Evo Morales is haunted by all the crimes he has committed, among his actions: pedophilia, he is at the front of a red crime and trafficking in persons, has contacts with the drug trade, promotes violence in Peru, commits electoral fraud and is dangerous.” “Author of intellectual injustice, illegality and inhumanity related to the constitutional government of Bolivia, Jeanine Áñez”.

Acusaciones versus Evo Morales

Morales is embroiled in a scandal because he was allegedly abused for a month while in office. The situation in which I initiated an investigation into “traffic of people, criminals and people” before the tax office, this was announced in a district court on Monday.

“In this case, oppose the appeal of three people: Señor Evo Morales, Father of the Victims, on October 10 at the Tax Office to present you with an informative statement” in the Department of Tarija, communicated The Jefe of the Public Minister, Juan Lanchipa .

The scandal reopened in 2015, after Morales was president. This year, according to the financial investigation, Morales had been involved since a year ago, 15 years ago, when she met a child in 2016.

Morales, who began publishing in early 2006 and 2019, called for the ad to be “continued” and agreed that he was investigated by many officials in 2020 and “behaved democratically, which did not happen.”

Without embargo, the new purpose was abandoned by the Department of Finance of Tarija Sandra Gutiérrez. On September 26, the function ordered the questioning of Morales, but the order was canceled a few days ago by a court that sought judicial relief in favor of the ex-jefe of the state.

The Lanchipa fiscal division was managed by Gutiérrez for “negligent behavior”, but it was the judge of the repayment to the cargo and found that it had not complied with the moral declaration and announced this to the Honorable Prime Minister.

After the crime of Estupro (with carnal access between 14 and 18 years old), Morales is being investigated for the crime and the traffic of persons.

In the interests of justice, the Padres de la Menor in the “Guardia juvenil” enrolled de Morales “with the final political decision and received benefits (…) in rotation with their family”.

FUENTE: Editorial/Con información de AFP

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