
Colombia 1×1: Goleada contundencia en el Metropolitano

Colombia 1×1: Goleada contundencia en el Metropolitano

The Selección Colombia won 4-0 against the Selección de Chile before the third quarter of the Sudamericanas Eliminatorias al Mundial de Estados Unidos – México – Canada 2026 at the Estadio Metropolitano Roberto Meléndez de Barranquilla. Davinson Sánchez, Luis Díaz, Jhon Jader Durán and Luis Sinisterra take part in the Tricolor winners, who are on the verge of victory in the Copa del Mundo with the Tricolor.

Camilo Vargas: The portero was not worn throughout the season. The selection of Chile took only 90 minutes and ended with a flight that ended in the Manos del Portero.

Santiago arias: The highest transverse force of the Selección Colombia in the Doppeljorden. The defender was now a large part of his defense, accompanied by the attack front. Estuvo Correcto en los duelos.

Davinson Sanchez: The central defense recovered at the start and was very confident when the defense was about to finish. In the first hour of the author of the Golf he waited for a friend of Lucumí, who put himself in his cabin and left the Portero Rival. You have already checked this with a driving license before arriving in the Manos del Portero.

Jhon Janer Lucumi: Once again the center was placed in the defensive role and ensured that the visitors were unable to clear the area. He was assigned by assistant Davinson Sánchez to liaise with James Rodríguez's school year.

Johan Mojica: The lateral attack was also integrated into the defense, it was confirmed at the moment of the defensive duel and at the same time also attacked through repeated opportunities until it was brought onto the line. Tuvo a center that could mean the third and a cabezazo from Jhon Jader Durán. Updated up to minute 86.

Jefferson Lerma: The brand wanted to move to the title and join the first line. I am very confident with the interceptions, the entradas and very sure that the Selección de Chile exceeds all three Cancha dice. Fue el eje entered the defense and the front of the attack.

Richard Rios: The campsite has a good feeling. That was what Jefferson Lerma agreed with at the moment of the march, when he made the decision when the Colombian selection was facing the choice until the last day.

John Arias: Recently, costs in the region rose and large passengers were desperate. You don't need to be on the attack front and in the early days make sure you have a media clearance that ends in the carrier's hands. In the second minute, the clock was overhauled and started up for 76 minutes.

James Rodriguez: The volunteer is currently active on the attack front. They filtrados filtrados ayudaron a romper the block defense de Chile, in the primera time tuvo un remate que pasó muy cerca del arco rival and fue the encargado of the pelotas quietas por loque the sus pies at the beginning of the game of prime gol. To complement this, he was tasked with supporting Luis Díaz for the second year. Wait 85 minutes for applause.

Luis Diaz: The extreme was never so much, but without embargo, it was the highest level of my selection. I'm currently active from the band, which is in the process of getting involved and generating spaces, and have tackled a game that has been canceled for the future. The attack began on the second day when he received a step from James and set the first and last questions. I was updated at minute 76.

Jhon Cordoba: The Delantero was completely new, nervous and impatient. There is no clear possibility of being demorarse and rematar once it is in front of the arch. Recibió a tarjeta amarilla that the impedirá estar in the near partido before Uruguay. Fue sustituido en el entretiempo.

Cambios de la Selection Colombia

Jhon Jader Duran: Ingresó para disputear el second time. Presionó la salida y forzó el error in the segundo gol de Colombia. Grab a driver's license and complete it in the last few minutes to make the decision about choosing the Colombian government.

Luis Sinisterra: The final 15-minute discussion was brilliant and brilliant with a stop that stood by Jhon Jader Durán in third place for the Colombian selection. Please note that the money represents a refund for any damage caused by the generation.

Jorge Carrascal: Start at minute 76 to dare a new air at the front of the train and have the opportunity to change space with a large distance attacking the Portero rival.

Juan Fernando Quintero: The dispute lasted only a few minutes and was entrusted with the support of Luis Sinisterra, and over time it ended with the conclusion of a compromise.

Juan David Cabal: The side argument lasted only a few minutes of compromise.

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