
The developers of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 confirm that the FPS starts without the controversial Riot Shield

The developers of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 confirm that the FPS starts without the controversial Riot Shield

After years of fans complaining about the Riot Shield, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 developers seem to be taking pity. The full list of firing weapons for the upcoming FPS is here, and the controversial shield is nowhere to be found.

You can check out the full list on the official website for a full breakdown of the 33 weapons that will be available when Black Ops 6 launches on October 25th. A quick scroll suggests, and a full “Ctrl+F” confirms, that there is no Riot shield here. As IGN notes, this confirmation was a huge cause for celebration among players who are tired of everyone hanging around behind those shields in multiplayer.

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