
We need to see Harry Kim in another series soon

We need to see Harry Kim in another series soon

Star Trek: Voyager really had a great cast. Not all of them had the best storylines, but it turned out that almost every character played a significant role. Sure, some still have memes about her; like that of the eternal ensign Harry Kim, but everyone was loved by someone. Although the show ended in 2001, most of the cast has returned in some form.

Star Trek: Prodigyy brought back Kathryne Janeway, Chakotay and The Doctor, while Picard had Tuvok and Seven of Nine appear. Lower Decks had a small cameo from Tom Paris, and the final season will see Paris' best friend, the aforementioned Harry Kim, appearing on the show.

The inclusion of Kim means that only a handful of characters remain from the main cast who have not appeared in a Star Trek series again; Neelix, Kes and B'Elanna Torres. But of all the names that have surfaced or are yet to surface, Kim deserves the most attention.

On Voyager, Kim was often the butt of some jokes and was constantly the bottom man on the list. As a perpetual ensign, many wondered if he would ever be promoted. In the latest Lower Decks trailer, one of the Kims we see is a lieutenant and we're hoping it's the Prime Timeline version.

Due to the fact that he's been an ensign for so long, we think a single episode of Lower Decks just isn't enough. He's spent so much time on Voyager not being a leader that we'd like to see more of Kim doing his thing. We've seen a few episodes where an alternate reality version of Kim was more assertive, confident, and self-assured, but not to the point where we were satisfied.

We need to see more. He and his actor Garrett Wang deserve a chance to try out the character. We know that Wang will be back with Kim in Lower Decks, and we're almost certain he would also come back for a live-action shoot if the opportunity arose. Star Trek being what it is, it wouldn't be hard to have Kim travel back in time to see the crew of the Enterprise during an episode of Strange New Worlds, or travel into the future and see his old friend The Doctor appears in an episode of Starfleet Academy.

Seeing a full-fledged Kim is something we as fans would love to see.

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