
America, criticism of a storm in the last decade Mediotitempo

America, criticism of a storm in the last decade Mediotitempo

El America I entered the Eye of the Huracán this April 2024, so that Two months later ha salido de la décima position de la tabla general tras 10 jornadas disputeadas. A reality that has no costumbrados and coapa debido that has been around for years to come.

It's because the problem is that I'm drawing attention to myself in this tornado A total of 13 points out of 30 possibilitiesSituation where people are in the unique position on the table. But what about the Paso de las Águilas?

What has it been like on America's Paso in recent decades?

The greatness with which I have communicated to America over the past few decades is so remarkable that I will remember it from Apertura 2014 has the Clausura 2024 (19 Leagues), He only managed to destroy one Fiesta Grandeque fue the Clausura 2017, cuando quedaron en the novena position of the tabla general. Recently they kept appearing in recent instances.

En read 18 Liguillas Disputadas por America en la Last decadeHan Logrado Colarse a Seis finaledonde ganaron cuatro y perdieron dos. Nevertheless, the blue constancy is also reflected in other aspects.

Yes, that's right in the 18 Torneos en los que se ha colado la Fiesta Grande, de 12 Appointments between the first three years In the general table they represent 63.16%. Mientras que el superliderato Lo ha obtenido en Five opportunitiesThat means 26.32% of opportunities.

The only club that plays With America in these columns and in this other time, it's the club tiger. The big cats regularly put pressure on them Presented to the Liguillas (19) que se han dispute in the ultima década.

And that's all I did oho finale, Donde Ganaron Cinco and Perdieron Tres. Without embargo, that's it 19 singles tournaments in one pudieron terminar con el Liderato General They took the top three places (36.84%).

The resto of the clubs is lejos

No problem America and tigers han marcado la pauta in recent years, ya que en cuestión de Liguillas disputeadas en so time están by numerous other institutions As is the case Chivas What a fate it was to reach the final stages, right in the middle of it Cruz Azul and Pumas No, Han figurado en nueve.

I managed to do this when I took a look at the position I had occupied over the last ten years on the debate with the 10 disciples who were successful in reality and in a situation in which America alone has found itself four times was in the top 10 (CL 2022 and AP 2024). ) and Tigres en ninguna.

Meanwhile, in other clubs, the first two months of this time have come back again and again, when they were on new occasions with Cruz Azul, Pumas there or with them in Chivas.

No, you don't know that momentarily que live the actual Bicampeón The Mexican Futbol lama attracts attention, but it is a big drag on the regularity that he has played in recent years.

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