
Ananda Lewis announces stage IV breast cancer progression

Ananda Lewis announces stage IV breast cancer progression

Former MTV VJ Ananda Lewis has revealed her breast cancer has reached stage IV after initially opting against traditional treatments, including a double mastectomy.

Ananda Lewis announces stage IV breast cancer progression

Source: Paul Archuleta / Getty

As previously reported, Lewis, 51, initially shared her first breast cancer diagnosis in a 2020 Instagram post in which she explained her decision to avoid mammograms for years due to concerns about radiation exposure.

“I refused mammograms for a very long time, and that was a mistake,” Lewis said at the time, recalling her mother battling cancer after a mammogram. “I watched my mom get mammograms for almost 30 years, and at the end of them she had breast cancer, and I said, 'Huh? Years of exposure to radiation equals breast cancer. Yes, I will pass. Thank you anyway.'”

“If I had had the mammograms when I was 40 when they were recommended, they would have discovered the tumor in my breast years earlier, before I discovered it through my own self-examination and thermography,” she continued. “And they would have caught it in a place where it was more manageable. The treatment would have been a little easier. It's never easy, but I use that word in comparison to what I'm going through right now. Instead, I'm dealing with stage 3 breast cancer that's in my lymphs. I want you to get your mammogram.”

Now she shares a sad update about the cancer spreading throughout her body.

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Source: Paul Archuleta / Getty

PEOPLE reports that in a recent discussion with CNN's Stephanie Elam and host Sara Sidner – who was also diagnosed with Stage III breast cancer earlier this year – Lewis revealed her decision to forego surgery after her initial diagnosis.

“I decided to keep my tumor and try to remove it from my body in another way,” Ananda said, noting that she chose to remove toxins from her body. “Looking back, I think, 'Maybe I should have chosen a different path.'”

Lewis continued that she initially took homeopathic remedies, a new diet, a healthier lifestyle and medication. Although she experienced some improvement, her condition worsened in 2023 when she discovered her cancer had spread.

“My lymphatic system was really bloated,” she said, recalling her first encounter with the possibility of death. “I thought I had this, but I told Death, 'Not yet.' If you come, I'll make sure you enjoy it.'”

As Lewis reflected on her decision to decline a double mastectomy, she emphasized the importance of maintaining her quality of life. “I want to want to be here, so I had to do it my way,” she explained.

Sidner decided to have a double mastectomy.

It is unclear whether Ananda is now exposed to radiation.

In an Instagram comment, she expressed her excitement that the important conversation would take place around Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Phew, chili! “The Ride of Die” is REAL!ðŸ'–🎠ðŸ'ƒðŸ »ðŸŽ‰,” the presenter wrote on her best friend Stephanie Elam's page. “It was incredible having this conversation with you @stephelamtv and @sarasidnertv 🙠🠽ðŸ'– I hope for the best outcomes for ALL who are going through life with cancer. I love you!

In 2023, Ananda was also a guest on Amanda Seales' Small Doses podcast, where she discussed the holistic approach she took to her healing.

“What I know is that my body created this,” Ananda said while reflecting on her 2019 diagnosis. “My body did this for a variety of reasons, many of which I can control, and I believe it is true that if I were to do something to create it, I could also do something to create it to destroy again.”

She added that she should have looked into early detection given her mother's previous breast cancer diagnosis and detailed how her family reacted to the news that she was refusing traditional treatment.

“I think the people around me who were the most afraid were the ones who really didn't understand the path I was taking,” Ananda said in “Small Doses.” “So again, fear of the unknown, when I started to explain it and lay out what I would do, I think people get the idea that when you say natural, that just means I have a few “I’m going to take supplements and breathe a little and hope the cancer goes away.”

She added that while people may think her natural remedies are ineffective, she stands by her choice.

“But as I went through this process, the natural route suited my body best, which is something I worked really hard on,” Ananda said. “I am a very disciplined person.”

We send sincere congratulations to Ananda Lewis.

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