
Hours before Trump rally, crowds gather in Reading, road closures in place | Berks Regional News

Hours before Trump rally, crowds gather in Reading, road closures in place | Berks Regional News

READING, Pa. — Former President Donald Trump will speak at a rally in Reading on Wednesday evening.

A crowd is already forming outside Santander Arena, and police are stationed on several corners of Penn Street.

Penn Street is already closed Wednesday morning.

The state of Pennsylvania and Berks County remain a focus in the upcoming election, as evidenced by Trump's recent visit and the line outside Santander Arena in Reading.

“It was close last time. It was very close. In 2016 it was close. So I think it will be the same this time too. There’s a lot more energy this time,” Mark Lynch said of his visit to a previous Trump rally. He traveled from New Hampshire to Reading.

The city says Cherry and Penn streets will be closed intermittently throughout the day, as will the Penn Street Bridge during the event.

Road closures and traffic delays are expected as officials prepare for Trump's upcoming visit to the region

A man who works downtown says it started early.

“It was crazy in the morning. I got here at 3 a.m. and the line was already up and running,” described Barry Bredbenner of Wyomissing.

The event, featuring Republican candidate and former President Donald Trump, is expected to begin at 7 p.m

“You have to come early. I parked in the garage. I have the advantage of knowing the area,” explains Reading resident Elisabeth Bialas.

You want to give yourself more time and use alternative routes, especially during rush hour.

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