
North West talking to her mother

North West talking to her mother


North West wears Jacket, shorts and shoes 424.

Born into superstardom. Raised before the world. Still hates school.



NORTH WEST: I'll say, “What's going on?” It’s –” (laughs)

KARDASHIAN: Yes, say what you want.

WEST: interview? Is that what it's called?


WEST: “What’s going on?” It's northwest and we're here with me interview Magazine shoot?”


WEST: Go now?

KARDASHIAN: Yes. Just say, “Hello. It’s northwest.”

WEST: Hey, it's me, Tyler, the Creator.

KARDASHIAN: (laughs) Hey.

WEST: Hey, it's me, Kanye West.

KARDASHIAN: (Laughs) You're really confusing me, aren't you?

WEST: No. Hey, it's me, North West.


WEST: Can I see myself please?

KARDASHIAN: Do we have a mirror that we can put directly behind the camera like I do when I shoot?

CREW: Yes.

KARDASHIAN: I'll teach you all the tricks of the trade.


Hoodie, jacket and bag ERL. Necklace (worn as a bracelet) and bracelets Budahood.

WEST: Should I go now?

KARDASHIAN: (laughs) Okay. If you could live in a cartoon, what would it be?

WEST: Barbie.


WEST: Because I really like Raquelle and it's a good show that I watch every night.


WEST: And then I'll literally say, “Yeah, I'm a Barb.”

KARDASHIAN: Fun fact about North: Every night when she falls asleep, she needs the TV, no matter what.

WEST: That's not a fun fact.

KARDASHIAN: Okay. Do you like being in front of the camera?

WEST: I like taking photos of myself, but I don't like it when paparazzi do it. When I just woke up and there were so many paparazzi, I was like, “Yo, I'm going to sue you.” When I'm ready, when I'm not tired, when my outfit is good, I'm like, “Okay, I could take a photo.” make.”

KARDASHIAN: (laughs) Okay. Can you tell me a joke?

WEST: What do you mean?

KARDASHIAN: Are there any funny jokes that you tell your cousins ​​or friends?

WEST: Well, I make people laugh, but I don't say, “Duck, duck, goose.” (Laughs)

KARDASHIAN: What’s your favorite style right now?

WEST: I like streetwear and the 90s. Tyler, the Creator; my father; Me!

KARDASHIAN: What's a lesson you'll never forget?

WEST: Just trust God.

KARDASHIAN: That's a great lesson. What is your favorite course?

WEST: I don't like school.

KARDASHIAN: How about art class?

WEST: I don't like art.


WEST: I like art, but my art classes are very annoying. My favorite class is probably Latin.

KARDASHIAN: Good, because you have a Latin test tomorrow. After that we will learn. What is your favorite song at the moment?

WEST: “I Don’t Love You Anymore” by Tyler, the Creator.


hat Jean-Paul Gaultier.

KARDASHIAN: Who are your three favorite artists?

WEST: Not in order, but Tyler, the Creator; Yuno Miles; and Nicki Minaj.

KARDASHIAN: What do you do to help other people?

WEST: Spread the gospel. Tell them about God and how problems are solved when they follow His Word and His way.

KARDASHIAN: If you started your own clothing line, what would you call it?

WEST: Well, I'm starting my own clothing line.

KARDASHIAN: And what are you going to call it?

WEST: Northwest.

KARDASHIAN: What was the best day of your life?

WEST: Maybe in Italy with Dad.

KARDASHIAN: What did you do?

WEST: It was just us and my siblings, and that's when I really brought them close to God, because we had this house and there were these devil statues, and I was like, “Mm-mm, mm-mm, no, girl.” I thought, “We have to pray.” Then I taught Chi and Psalm and Saint how to pray. God really did His thing after that.

KARDASHIAN: Sounds like a fantastic day. What will you be for Halloween?

WEST: I'll be Tyler, the Creator. I will –

KARDASHIAN: How many looks does Tyler, the Creator have?

WEST: Two.

KARDASHIAN: You said six this morning.

WEST: No, I'm going to be a sea pirate and a mermaid with my two best friends. Shout out to them. And I will be Kai (Cenat) and Tyla. I'll be Nicki Minaj and then I'll be Princess Peach and Princess Daisy with Chi.

KARDASHIAN: This is my planning month. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

WEST: I've always wanted to stop time. When I was in class one day last year, I thought, “I want to take a break and get all my work done, and then leave class and go to Starbucks, and then go to Japan, and then go everywhere!”

KARDASHIAN: Sweet, okay. Who is your favorite rapper?

WEST: Yuno Miles.


WEST: Yes.

KARDASHIAN: Where is your favorite place to travel?


Hoodie Flies over. jeans Balenciaga. wing Sugar. Necklace Chrome hearts.

WEST: Japan.

KARDASHIAN: What do you love about Japan?

WEST: Everything. Everyone's style is on point. Or New York, because they have streetwear there – yes. And New York is really fun.

KARDASHIAN: I feel like you just fell in love with New York.

WEST: Yes, but Japan just says, “Ohayo gozaimasu. Konnichiwa.”

KARDASHIAN: If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

WEST: Probably cucumbers and salt. I love cucumbers and salt, I really do. Or onions.

KARDASHIAN: You love grilled onions. What to do if one of your siblings annoys you?

WEST: When they annoy me, I just say, “Yo, get out of my room. I don’t really feel it.”

KARDASHIAN: What would you like to know more about?

WEST: God.

KARDASHIAN: Me too. Okay, serious question. How do I cook?

WEST: You haven't cooked for us in a long time. The last time you cooked was two Halloween days ago.

KARDASHIAN: What did I do?

WEST: Mac and cheese.

KARDASHIAN: And fried chicken and cornbread. I'm a one-trick pony. Is this one meal good?

WEST: It's good. It's just that you're really good at making me pickles and salt.

KARDASHIAN: (laughs) What do you want to be when you grow up?

WEST: I don't know because I'm already doing a lot of things that I want to do later. I just want to pursue my career now.

KARDASHIAN: It's amazing that you know it so young. What would your fake name be?

WEST: I have one. But I will change because no one believes me. It's Katie Johnson. When I'm at Sky Zone with my friends, they call me Katie, but when I look in the mirror for a long time I think, “I don't look like a Katie.” And then I thought, “Okay, I have to change my name.” .” I’m telling you now.

KARDASHIAN: (laughs) Okay, that's it, baby! Thank you very much.

WEST: Okay, bye.

KARDASHIAN: I want a hug.


hat Jean-Paul Gaultier. Necklaces (worn around the neck and as a bracelet) and bracelets Budahood.


Hair: Kia Harper use Rizos curls at Crowd management.

Form: Kali Kennedy use Sticker planet.

Nails: Tomoya Nakagawa at Vanity projects.

Stage design: Brittany Porter.

Tailor: Diana Aghajanyan.

Digital technician: Tara Devoti.

Photo assistants: Zixuan Lin, Max Wilbur, And Dominic Rawle.

Fashion assistants: Hayley Francise And Cannon Lord.

Nail assistant: Tohko Nishimoto.

Set wizard: T. Marsh.

Production coordination: Cecilia Alvarez Blackwell.

Production assistant: Tyreek Voltaire.

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